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The Legacies They Built: Honoring Pinkie Gordon Lane, Lutrill & Pearl Payne, and Julian T. White.”: Special Collection Resources

In 2022, the LSU Board of Supervisors made the decision to honor four African American trailblazers by naming two academic programs and one building after them.

Wyatt Houston Day Collection

T. Harry Williams Center for Oral History

Black student leaders at LSU:

man and crowd 










Kerry Pourciau, LSU SGA President, 1972
Gumbo 1973

Kerry Louis Pourciau oral history interview abstract

Leo Hamilton oral history interview

Louisiana Black Newspapers

Louisiana. Constitutional Convention (1867-1868)

Louisiana. Constitutional Convention (1898)

View full text via Hathi Trust

LSU Student Publications

LSU Student annual

LSU Student newspaper

Primary Sources

Located in Hill Memorial Library, LSU Libraries Special Collections holds many unique and original primary source materials in digital and analog formats from the colonial era to the present day. Below are just a few resources that demonstrate the diversity of its materials on the historical African American experience in Louisiana and beyond:

Other Primary Sources: 

Hill Memorial Library

The Louisiana Colored Teachers' Journal.

The Louisiana Colored Teachers' Association Journal. Volume XI. No. 1. Oct. 1937

Reconstruction in the Cane Fields: From Slavery to Free Labor in Louisiana's Sugar Parishes, 1862-1880


University Archives
LSU Board of Supervisors Records
These records are a rich resource of information on the black student experience at LSU and the demand for increased representation and opportunities. 












Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service records. Narrative and statistical reports of county agents and home demonstration agents
These records and photographs document rural Louisiana in the early 20th century.

African American poetry

Note: Both Special Collections and the Main Library have significant holdings related to African American poetry. Search the catalog with this subject term: SUBJECT="African Americans --Poetry." or search by individual author to find published works.