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Pandemics, Epidemics, and Other Diseases in Louisiana


Louisiana has been home to many people afflicted with Leprosy, also known as Hansen's disease, throughout history. The Louisiana Leper Home in Carville, Louisiana, served as a live-in hospital for patients and was the first of its kind in the United States. Throughout the years this hospital has also been known as U.S. Marine Hospital No. 66 and Gillis W. Long Hansen's (Leprosy) Disease Center. For further information on the National Hansen's Disease Museum, please visit the Additional Resources section on this guide's homepage. 

Key Catalog Terms

Listed below are some recommended catalog key terms for searching for leprosy. Full steps on how to use these key terms can be found on this LibGuide's homepage.

Hansen's Disease

Key Subject Headings

Listed below are some recommended subject headings for searching for leprosy. Full steps on how to use these key terms can be found on this LibGuide's homepage.

Diseases -- Louisiana -- New Orleans
Epidemics -- Louisiana
Leprosy -- Hospitals -- Louisiana -- Carville -- History -- Sources.
Leprosy -- Louisiana -- Carville -- History.
Leprosy -- Louisiana -- History.
Leprosy -- Patients -- Louisiana -- Carville -- Correspondence.
Louisiana Leper Home.
National Hansen's Disease Programs (U.S.) -- History.
United States Marine Hospital No. 66 (Carville, La.)

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