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ENGL 2123 Comics & Graphic Novels: Scholarly Resources

Identifying Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

What is a Peer-Reviewed Article?

A peer-reviewed article is one that is written by an expert in a specific field and has been evaluated by other experts in the field and found to meet certain standards for quality. Also known as scholarly, academic, or refereed articles, peer-reviewed articles are published in journals that are designed to be read by other experts in the field. As a result, the language is subject-specific. 

How Do I Know if the Article I've Found is Peer-Reviewed?

Peer-reviewed journal articles usually have the following elements:

  • Written by an expert in that subject area. Check the credentials of the author.
  • Contain a literature review to engage with previous research within the field.
  • Contain a list of references either in footnotes or a bibliography.

Scholarly Resources

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