Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness: Reference Sources
Research Guide for Ag Economics & Agribusiness. This guide is a great starting place for research!
Agriculture Librarian
Reference Sources
- Mergent Online This link opens in a new windowMergent Online delivers a suite of comprehensive financial information with the accuracy, timeliness and transparency that is absolutely essential in today's marketplace. Through Mergent Online users leverage Mergent's unique history and experience, built on a century of transforming data into knowledge.
- Mergent Archives This link opens in a new windowMergent Archives (formerly WebReports) is an online database offering a vast archive of corporate annual, quarterly, and interim reports ranging back to the early 1900s. Mergent Archives contains more than 180,000 documents covering over 100 countries while providing the ability to search documents by company name, industry sector, region, country, document type, or year of report.
- Nexis Uni This link opens in a new windowOffers full-text online news, business, legal, legislative, and regulatory information, updated daily.
- Business Source Complete This link opens in a new windowBusiness Source Complete provides full text from 11,200 sources, including more than 1,100 scholarly business journals. This database offers information in virtually every area of business including accounting & tax, banking, finance & insurance, construction, computer science, economics and many more.
- USDA Economic Research ServiceWebsite full of useful resources such as meat price spreadsheets, USDA Ag Census Web Maps, and more.
Additional Help
- Citation HelpA research guide created by LSU Libraries that covers the importance of academic integrity and the basics of citing sources in different styles.
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Agriculture Librarian
Randa Lopez Morgan