Petroleum Engineering
Engineering Librarian

Cambria Huff
Office: 225-578-6380
Subjects: Biological & Agricultural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Construction Management, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Engineering, Engineering Standards, Geology & Geophysics, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering
Reference Sources
Subject-specific dictionaries are useful for those working on cross-displinary projects and students new to a discipline.
Dictionary of Energy by
Publication Date: 2009This dictionary gives professionals across the multi-disciplinary field of energy a tool to better communicate on energy matters and understand energy issues and opportunities. This expanded edition with over 500 new terms is a valuable reference available to an even wider audience beyond energy scientists, including new professionals, students, and corporate oil and gas companies.
- Energy GlossaryProduced by the California Energy Commission.
International Petroleum Encyclopedia by
Publication Date: 2010For more than 40 years, this encyclopedia has been the preferred research tool for hundreds of energy industry leaders for annual planning, reports, prospecting, projects, marketing efforts, and more. The 2010 Edition continues this tradition of providing decision-makers with vital information by compiling worldwide petroleum and energy industry data into one volume. Inside there are colorful atlas maps, extensive country reports, comprehensive statistics and surveys, factual chronologies, and insightful, exclusive articles that highlight the year’s major events and their implications for the future. This reference includes new sections on Kenya, Uruguay, Paraguay, the Bahamas, Mongolia, and Timor-Leste.Fuel Cells: Selected Entries from the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology by
Publication Date: 2013The expected end of the oil age will lead to increasing focus and reliance on alternative energy conversion devices, among which fuel cells have the potential to play an important role. Not only can phosphoric acid and solid oxide fuel cells already efficiently convert today's fossil fuels, including methane, into electricity, but other types of fuel cells, such as polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, have the potential to become the cornerstones of a possible future hydrogen economy. Featuring 21 peer-reviewed entries from the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, Fuel Cells offers concise yet comprehensive coverage of the current state of research and identifies key areas for future investigation. Internationally renowned specialists provide authoritative introductions to a wide variety of fuel cell types, and discuss materials, components, and systems for these technologies. The entries also cover sustainability and marketing considerations, including comparisons of fuel cells with alternative technologies.Encyclopedia of Energy by
Publication Date: 2004This highly topical reference draws together all aspects of energy, covering a wealth of areas throughout the natural, social and engineering sciences. The Encyclopedia will provide easily accessible information about all aspects of energy, written by leading international authorities. It will not only be indispensible for academics, researchers, professionals and students, but also for policy makers, energy and environmental consultants, and all those working in business corporations and non-governmental organizations whose activities relate to energy and the environment.
Handbook of Petroleum Product Analysis by
Publication Date: 2014Introduces the reader to the production of the products in a refinery. Introduces the reader to the types of test methods applied to petroleum products, including the need for specifications; Provides detailed explanations for accurately analyzing and characterizing modern petroleum products; Rewritten to include new and evolving test methods; Updates on the evolving test methods and new test methods as well as the various environmental regulations are presented.Handbook of Petroleum Processing by
Publication Date: 2006This valuable reference targets research chemists and engineers who have chosen a career in the complex and essential petroleum industry, as well as other professionals just entering the industry who seek a comprehensives and accessible resource on petroleum processing. The handbook describes and discusses the key components and processes that make up the petroleum refining industry. Beginning with the basics of crude oils and their nature, it continues with the commercial products derived from refining and with related issues concerning their environmental impact.Natural Gas Engineering Handbook by
Publication Date: 2012The demand for energy consumption is increasing rapidly. In order to avoid the impending energy crunch, more producers are switching from oil to natural gas. While natural gas engineering is well documented through many papers and sources, the computer applications that provide a crucial role in engineering design and analysis are not well published. Updated and enhanced from the best-selling First Edition, this book continues to provide upcoming and practicing engineers the full scope of natural gas engineering, from gas reservoirs to transportation with a computer-assisted approach.Nontechnical Guide to Petroleum Geology, Exploration, Drilling and Production by
Publication Date: 2001Used by corporate training departments and colleges and universities worldwide, this is the most complete upstream petroleum industry guide available. The author provides an easy to understand explanation of complex topics with pictures, graphs, and illustrations covering everything from how oil and gas is formed; how to find commercial quantities; and how to drill, evaluate, and complete a well all the way through production and improved oil recoveryPipeline Integrity Handbook by
Publication Date: 2014Based on over 40 years of experience in the field, Ramesh Singh goes beyond corrosion control, providing techniques for addressing present and future integrity issues. This book provides pipeline engineers with the tools to evaluate and inspect pipelines, safeguard the life cycle of their pipeline asset and ensure that they are optimizing delivery and capability. Presented in easy-to-use, step-by-step order, this book is a quick reference for day-to-day use in identifying key pipeline degradation mechanisms and threats to pipeline integrity. The book begins with an overview of pipeline risk management and engineering assessment, including data collection and regulatory approaches to liquid pipeline risk management.The Petroleum Engineering Handbook by
Publication Date: 2007The petroleum sector is possibly the largest and most dominant economic sector, yet there is no appropriate tool or guideline available in achieving sustainability in this sector. There is not even a single book available to address how to achieve sustainability or to conform with the essential features of the Information Age. This is the first book in the petroleum sector that sheds light on the real obstacles to sustainable development and provides solutions to each problem encountered. Each solution is complete with an economic analysis that clarifies why petroleum operations can continue with even greater profit than before while ensuring that the negative environmental impact is diminished. The new screening tools and models proposed in this book will provide one with proper guidelines to achieve true sustainability in both technology development and management of the petroleum sector.Standard Handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering by
Publication Date: 2005This new edition of the Standard Handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering provides you with the best, state-of-the-art coverage for every aspect of petroleum and natural gas engineering. With thousands of illustrations and 1,600 information-packed pages, this text is a handy and valuable reference. Written by over a dozen leading industry experts and academics, the Standard Handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering provides the best, most comprehensive source of petroleum engineering information available. Now in an easy-to-use single volume format, this classic is one of the true 'must haves' in any petroleum or natural gas engineer's library. A classic for the oil and gas industry for over 65 years! A comprehensive source for the newest developments, advances, and procedures in the petrochemical industry, covering everything from drilling and production to the economics of the oil patch. Everything you need - all the facts, data, equipment, performance, and principles of petroleum engineering, information not found anywhere else. A desktop reference for all kinds of calculations, tables, and equations that engineers need on the rig or in the office. A time and money saver on procedural and equipment alternatives, application techniques, and new approaches to problemsBlowout and Well Control Handbook by
Publication Date: 2003-10-03As with his 1994 book, Advanced Blowout and Well Control, Grace offers a book that presents tested practices and procedures for well control, all based on solid engineering principles and his own more than 25 years of hands-on field experience. Specific situations are reviewed along with detailed procedures to analyze alternatives and tackle problems. The use of fluid dynamics in well control, which the author pioneered, is given careful treatment, along with many other topics such as relief well operations, underground blowouts, slim hole drilling problems, and special services such as fire fighting, capping, and snubbing. In addition, case histories are presented, analyzed, and discussed.
Applied Welding Engineering by
Publication Date: 2012pplied Welding Engineering: Processes, Codes and Standards is designed to provide a practical in-depth instruction for the selection of the materials incorporated in the joint, joint inspection, and the quality control for the final product. Welding Engineers will also find this book a valuable source for developing new welding processes or procedures for new materials as well as a guide for working closely with design engineers to develop efficient welding designs and fabrication procedures.Piping and Pipeline Calculations Manual by
ISBN: 9781856176934Publication Date: 2010-02-05This book is a "no nonsense" guide to the principle intentions of the codes or standards and provides advice on compliance. After using this book the reader should come away with a clear understanding of how piping systems fail and what the code requires the designer, manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, erector, examiner, inspector, and owner to do to prevent such failures. The focus of the book is to enhance participants' understanding and application of the spirit of the code or standard and form a plan for compliance. The book is enhanced by a multitude of calculations to assist in problem solving, directly applying the rules and equations for specific design and operating conditions to illustrate correct applications. Each calculation is based on a specific code. Written by a professional/educator with over 35 years of experience Covers all major codes and standards Demonstrates how the code and standard has been correctly and incorrectly applied
- ASTM Compass This link opens in a new windowWhile ASTM is best known for it's standards, the ASTM Compass also includes nearly every other ASTM publication, thats 1,500+ books and 60,000+ papers and chapters, dating back to 1932.
- IEEE Xplore This link opens in a new windowIEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL) Abstract records and full text articles published since 1988 with select content published since 1893 from: IEEE journals, transactions, and magazines, including early access documents IEEE conference proceedings IET journals IET conference proceedings IEEE published standards and redline versions IEEE Standards Dictionary Online Access to the AbstractPlus records and select full text published since 2005 from: VDE VERLAG conference proceedings IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library Purchase Full text access to all IEEE-Wiley eBooks titles copyrighted in the year(s) 1974-2014.
PLEASE NOTE: Excessive printing and downloading, even through available functionality on IEEE Xplore, is not permitted under our license and will result in loss of access and possible disciplinary action. - Engineering Village This link opens in a new windowEngineering Village is a platform that enables in-depth search and discovery of both current, archival and interdisciplinary content comprising research and technical information in the applied engineering and physical science domains. It hosts highly-curated databases in which content from global publishers is indexed from journals, conference proceedings, trade publication, dissertations, standards, books, patents and technical reports.