College of Agriculture: Forest Service
Created in 1905, The Forest Service manages and protects 154 national forests and 20 grasslands in 43 states and Puerto Rico. The agency’s mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations.
The Forest Service also works through partnerships with public and private agencies that help plant trees, improve trails, educate the public, and improve conditions in wildland/urban interfaces and rural areas, just to name a few. The Forest Service also promotes sustainable forest management and biodiversity conservation internationally.
Examples of Our Holdings
Maps and guides to national forests (A 13.36/2:)
General technical reports (A 13.88:) Reports issued by the various Forest Service experiment stations.
Research papers (A 13.78:) Results of research conducted by Forest Service experiment stations.
Environmental impact statements (A 13.92:) Environmental impact statements, management plans, and other documents relating to programs and activities in the national forests.
We also have Congressional reports, documents, committee hearings, and prints related to timber, forestry, forest fires, endangered species, and other topics. Search for these using ProQuest Congressional.