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Resources for Louisiana Federal Depository Coordinators: New Depository Coordinators

Info for federal depository coordinators in Louisiana


This page contains information that will be helpful to new federal depository coordinators.

Please take a look at the resources under "Getting Started" and sign up for the recommended listservs that will help to get you up-to-date on what is going on in the world of federal government information.

Getting Started

As a new coordinator, you should have received a welcome message from GPO as well as a message from your regional depository coordinator. As the regional coordinator, I am here to assist you with learning about your role as a new coordinator and answering collections/reference questions that may arise. 

First, take a look at the FDLP Quickstart Guide. This guide will give you all the basic steps to get situated in your new role. Once you have done that, please take a look at resources regarding ASERL which is how we handle collection management within Louisiana (and the South). 

All depositories in Louisiana that are discarding material must use the ASERL database for discards. Please see the two links below to familiarize yourself with the database and how it functions. 



I recommend signing up to the following listservs that will keep you up to date from both the Louisiana and GPO levels:

Bayoudoc – subscribe to Louisiana's government documents listserv to keep up-to-date about news and events related to depositories in Louisiana. 

South National Collection Service Area (NCSA) – Louisiana is part of the South NCSA, and the South has it's own email group where you can ask questions. GPO will add you to this group once you become a coordinator. To post messages, please email:

FDLP – subscribe to learn about news and events relating to the FDLP (sign up via AskGPO).

GOVDOC-L – For government information librarians around the country. To subscribe, visit this link or send an e-mail message to LISTSERV@LISTS.PSU.EDU that contains the line: SUB GOVDOC-L Yourfirstname Yourlastname

SuDocs Tutorials

These tutorials will familiarize you with the SuDoc system used to arrange federal documents on the shelf:

Government Information Librarianship Resources

Here are some resources that can help you learn about the latest topics and issues within government information librarianship:

Documents to the People (ALA GODORT) "The official publication of the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) of the American Library Association (ALA). DttP features articles on local, state, national, and international government information, government activities, and documents the professional activities of GODORT."

Free Government Information (FGI) "A place for initiating dialogue and building consensus among the various players (libraries, government agencies, non-profit organizations, researchers, journalists, etc.) who have a stake in the preservation of and perpetual free access to government information. FGI promotes free government information through collaboration, education, advocacy and research."

Help! I'm an Accidental Government Information Librarian Webinars (ALA GODOR) These are "a series of webinars designed to help us all do better reference work by increasing our familiarity with government information resources, and by discovering the best strategies for navigating them."  Note that all government jurisdictions are covered, including Federal. The series was previously hosted by the the North Carolina Library Association.

Western States Government Information Virtual Conference (Federal depository representatives from Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and ALA GODORT) "The Western States Government Information Virtual Conference is a free, biennial conference hosted by Government Information Librarians in the Western States and open to all."

U.S. Federal Government Information Competencies for Beginning Government Information and General Reference Librarians (ALA GODORT Education Committee)  Although somewhat dated, this resource highlights essential, recommended, and useful competencies as well as Principles of Government Information and recommended library resources from government and other sources. It can help support for development of skills for new librarians or those taking on responsibility for government information.

Professional Organizations

Training Resources