Chemistry: SciFinder-n
Resources for library research on chemistry-related topics.
About the Transition
CAS SciFinder-n includes all the content of "classic" SciFinder along with new features and enhanced functionalities. "Classic" SciFinder will be discontinued in December 2021.
- Do I need to make a SciFinder-n account?
If you already have a SciFinder account through LSU, then you can log into SciFinder-n with your current SciFinder login/password. If you've never used SciFinder at LSU, you will need to register for an account. - What about my alerts and saved searches in Classic SciFinder?
You can import most SciFinder saved answer sets and Keep Me Posted alerts to SciFinder-n. Learn how to migrate answer sets and alerts. - Can I migrate my SciPlanner files to SciFinder-n?
Unfortunately, no. You will need to download your files to your own computer by selecting the Workspace tab in SciPlanner, then Export.
Register for an Account
You must register for a SciFinder-n account before using the database for the first time. If you already have a "classic" SciFinder account, you are ready to log into SciFinder-n.
To register,
- Go to LSU Libraries' SciFinder-n registration form. Complete the registration form using either a or email address.
- Respond to the validation email you will receive.
Problems logging in?
- Are you off campus?
- Be sure you're going through LSU Libraries to be authenticated from off campus. Please login to MyLSU before going to SciFinder. Use as your bookmark.
SciFinder Data Sources
​SciFinder-n and SciFinder retrieve content from many files:
Content at a GlanceOVERVIEW.
CAPlus File (Chemical Abstracts)Updated daily, the CAPlus file contains titles, abstracts and indexing for journal articles, patents, dissertations and much more.
CAS Registry File (Substance Information)The CAS Registry file contains over 155 million unique chemical substances and more that 68 million sequences. You can find names and synonyms, property and spectral data, preparation methods, and commerical availability with a link to articles or patents in other files that contain it.
CASREACT (Reactions)Updated daily, CASREACT contains millions of single- and multi-step reactions including many synthetic preparations.
CHEMCATS (Catalogs)Identifies chemical suppliers.
CHEMLIST (Regulatory lists)CHEMLIST shares what regulatory lists a chemical is on. It is also a good source of names for chemicals in a variety of languages.
MARPAT (Substances in patents)MARPAT searches markush structures - or structures that are general and vague and represent a collection of substances - that are often found in patents.
CIN - Chemistry Industry NotesCIN contributes titles, abstracts and indexing including Registry Numbers, from trade publications including government documents, trade magazines and newsletters.
ChemZentAbstracts for articles from 1830 from Chemisches Zentralblatt translated into English
What's Different
SciFinder-n provides new content and functionalities that can help enhance your search productivity. Enhancements include
- Contains PatentPak (currently >11 Million mapped OCR’d patents)
- Contains MethodsNow synthetic protocol content (currently 4.5 Million step-by-step synthetic protocols)
- Enables multiple tab browsing for simultaneous searching
- Option to remain logged into the search platform
- Enables user to search References, Substances & Reactions at same time
- Can search Exact, Substructure and Similar structures in one search
- Contains enhanced Markush and Substructure search features
- Provides a touch-screen enabled drawing editor (ChemDoodle)
- Enables user to directly search for all chemical suppliers
- Groups reference record answer sets according to Relevance
- Saves and stores all historical searching by Date & Time
- Search biosequences! See SF-n release notes to learn more about new feature