Note: These sources should not be used in a bibliography or references section. These are resources meant to help you build background knowledge that you can then use to search in one of the databases.
People of Color Also Know Stuff provides a directory of experts of color in political science. Their mission is to promote scholars of color in Political Science and serve as an amplifier for efforts to advance racial diversity and inclusion in the discipline. They aim to advance equity that is inclusive of all class backgrounds, gender identities, sexual identities, and institutional contexts.
The Cite Black Women Collective is a campaign to push people to engage in a radical praxis of citation that acknowledges and honors Black women’s transnational intellectual production. You can follow their podcast and blog, as well as the hashtag #citeblackwomen on Twitter, to find black women's contributions to scholarship.
A collective of Black Latina scholars producing innovative knowledge about race within Latinidad and Blackness. The website lists members of the Collective and shares scholarship on their blog and social media.