College of the Coast and Environment
The EPA has a vast web presence but offers various means of navigating it. For basic information check out their "Learn the Issues" tab. More detailed scientific information on a variety of subjects is under "Science and Technology." There's also an interactive map for finding information by geographic area. Some major subsidiary sites of EPA are:
National Estuary Program (EPA)
AIRNowInformation and links to publications on EPA's Air Quality Index system
ECHO (Enforcement & Compliance History Online)find information about specific sites
EnvirofactsProvides a sampling of environmental information for specific areas, which can be designated by zip code, city, county, or place name.
Enviromappercompanion tool with Envirofacts
Environmental Justiceresources from the EPA's working group on environmental equity; they aim to insure that all groups enjoy the same degree of protection from environmental hazards
EPA: Waterportal to water-related information from the EPA
The EPA Blogarticles about the agency's work by staffers
EPA for Students & EducatorsLinks to basic information about environmental topics.
EPA PublicationsProvides links to publications pages throughout the EPA website, as well as a search capability by report number or keywords.
Exposure ResearchReports on research into the extent and nature of exposure of humans and ecosystems to environmental pollutants and other stressors. Includes links to databases of research publications as well as data on exposure itself.
Future Climate Changeinformation about potential effects of climate change, and how the models work that make these predictions
Learn about AirData on air pollution for the U.S.
MyEnvironmentanother interface to search for and map local data
SuperfundInformation on individual hazardous waste sites as well as the problem of hazardous waste in general.
Toxic Release InventoryReporting system for information on hazardous substances; data can be searched by various geographical areas or by substance.
WastesCovers conservation and management of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes
WetlandsEducational website for the general public dealing with wetlands and their protection.
- Last Updated: Sep 4, 2018 12:10 PM
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