MC 4005 Public Relations Campaigns: Organization & Industry Research
Organization & Industry Research
- Access World News This link opens in a new windowLocate articles from local newspapers. Use the Quick Links on the right side of the page to search only Louisiana newspapers or specific publications (such as The Advocate or The Times-Picayune).
To retrieve better results, use the advanced search and the drop-down options to search by date, headline, or lead/first paragraph. Also, you may want to sort the results by "best match" instead of "newest". - Statista This link opens in a new windowStatista offers over 1.5 million statistics and facts on more than 60,000 topics drawn from over 18,000 different sources, including market researchers, trade organizations, scientific journals, and government databases.
Searching Online for Industry Statistics or Data:
You can search online to find information about your industry, organization and its competitors:
- Think about "who" cares about this industry.
- In other words, who might collect data or have statistics and other information related to your organization or topic. Depending on the industry, there may be nonprofit organizations and government agencies (federal, state or local) that collect this type of data.
- Develop more effective keywords.
- Don't ask Google questions. Instead, think about how the words might be phrased on the website or the words that best describe what you're looking for.
- Limit your search by types of information sources.
- Conducing a Google "site" search (see examples site searches below) will limit your search to only one domain (.gov/.edu/.org). This type of search can help you locate industry-related statistics and reports from government agencies (.gov), university research centers (.edu) or organizations (.org).
Examples of Google "site" searches:
children arts - will retrieve .org websites with information related to children and the arts.
organ transplant statistics - will retrieve .org websites with statistics related to organ transplants.
volunteer statistics Louisiana - will retrieve government websites with statistics related to volunteering in Louisiana.