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Plagiarism and LSU
The LSU Code of Student Conduct defines plagiarism as the "[l]ack of appropriate citation, or the unacknowledged inclusion of someone else's words, structure, ideas, or data; failure to identify a source, or the submission of essentially the same work for two assignments without permission of the instructor(s)." (LSU Code of Student Conduct 10.1.H)
- About ParaphrasingYou changed a few words and cited the source, so you are safe from plagiarism, right? Wrong. Read the Office of Student Advocacy & Accountability's article on paraphrasing. You also need to cite when you are summarizing.
- Understanding Academic IntegrityLSU's Office of Student Advocacy & Accountability does a great job of explaining plagiarism and how LSU interprets plagiarism. While you are visiting the SAA site, you may want to read about University Hearing Panels.
- Patterns of PlagiarismThe University of Indiana does a great job of supplying and explaining multiple examples of intentional and unintentional plagiarism.