Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies
This guide includes resources for topics such as women in culture and history; gender and race, class, and sexuality; gender in literature, politics, the law, and the sciences.
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Librarian

Elizabeth Allen
LSU Library, Room 141 A
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-3330
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-3330
- Academic Search Complete This link opens in a new window
- Women and Social Movements 1600-2000 This link opens in a new window
- JSTOR This link opens in a new window
- PAIS International This link opens in a new window
- SocINDEX with Full Text This link opens in a new window
- LGBT Life with Full Text This link opens in a new window
- LGBT Studies in Video This link opens in a new window
- North American Women's Letters & Diaries This link opens in a new window
- Women's Studies Archive This link opens in a new window
- Archives of Sexuality & Gender This link opens in a new window
- Everyday Life and Women in America, c1800-1920 This link opens in a new window
- Women in The National Archives This link opens in a new window
- Violence & Abuse Abstracts This link opens in a new window
- North American Women's Drama This link opens in a new window
Background Information
- Credo Reference This link opens in a new windowCredo Reference is a general reference solution for learners and librarians. Offering 551 hundred highly-regarded titles from over 70 publishers; Credo General Reference covers every major subject. Credo Reference is an online reference service made up of full-text books from the world's best publishers. Whether you're working on a research paper, trying to win trivia or just curious, Credo Reference has something for you.
- CQ Researcher Plus Archive This link opens in a new windowA database of in-depth, authoritative reports on a full range of political and social-policy issues extending back to 1923. Each report is footnoted and includes an overview, background section, chronology, bibliography and debate-style pro-con feature, plus tools to study the evolution of the topic over time.
Note: These are resources meant to help you build background knowledge that you can then use to search in one of the databases. If you are working on an assignment, check with your instructor to see if you can use them in a bibliography or references section.