Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology: EndNote
A citation management program available for use through LSU’s TigerWare, EndNote is a valuable device for the writing process. EndNote can help users collect, store, manage, and share bibliographic references and citations from the libraries' databases. Users can also use EndNote while they write their papers by inserting citations using “cite while you write.” EndNote is a great tool to help with formatting papers, creating bibliographies and footnotes in different citation styles such as Chicago, MLA, APA, Turabian, etc.
To configure to find full text, do the following:
- Open EndNote
- Go to Edit, then Preferences, then Find Full Text
- Check all boxes
- In OpenURL Path, enter
- In Authenticate with, enter
- Click Apply and then OK to close the window
- Then, when you select a reference in EndNote by double clicking on it, go to References in the toolbar > URL > OpenURL link to search the library for full-text
- EndNote Online BASICEndNote basic is a more limited reference management solution that is only available online. EndNote basic users can create an online library with a maximum of 50,000 references and up to 2G of attachments. The version of EndNote basic available as part of the Web of Science has thousands of styles and hundreds of filters and connection files. This version is available to those whose institution has a subscription to the Web of Science.
- Endnote Output StylesEndNote offers more than 6,000 bibliographic styles. Search for your specific style and download it into your endnote.
- Using EndNote with ScopusA guide from the University of Alabama Birmingham on how to export citations from Scopus into EndNote for those making the switch from Web of Science.
EndNote Training Videos
From the University College of London, Guide to using EndNote reference management software. (Link Below)
De-duplication tool
If you have imported references on the same subject from more than one online resource, you may find that you have some duplicate references in your library. It is important to remove duplicates if you intend to use EndNote with Word to cite references, to avoid errors in your bibliography.
EndNote will search the currently selected references for duplicates. To search the whole EndNote Library, click on the All References folder.
- Go to the Library menu and select Find Duplicates.
- Compare duplicate references to decide which to keep. The display automatically highlights any differences it has detected between the references, if any. You can copy and paste information between references if necessary.
- If you select Keep this record the other record will be sent to Trash.
- If you want to keep both records, or decide later, click on Skip to go to the next duplicate.
- If you decide to Skip or Cancel, references are held in a temporary Duplicate References group.
- This Duplicate References group is discarded when you close your library.
- Duplicate references are highlighted. To delete all the automatically detected duplicates, click on one of the highlighted references, hold down the left mouse button and drag across to the Trash folder. Alternatively you can right-click on any highlighted reference and select Move references to trash. All of the highlighted references will be transferred to the Trash folder.
Manual de-duplication
To catch any outstanding duplicates it can be helpful to manually look through your library.
- Make sure to organise your centre pane where your references are displayed so that you can see all the useful fields clearly to help you judge whether a reference is a true duplicate.
- It can also be useful to set your output style to Annotated so that the reference preview includes the abstract.
- Sort your references by the Title field by clicking on the column header. You can then look through to check for duplicate titles - although be aware that sometimes different publications can have the same title. A second check where references are organised by DOI is useful, although not all records will have a DOI (and in some cases the DOI might be the same for different references, e.g. conference abstracts). Checking by page number is also helpful.
- University College London, EndNote GuideGuide to using EndNote reference management software