The databases below are the most frequently used databases in Renewable Natural Resources. For a complete list of databases, see the Renewable Natural Resources list here:
Including the CAB Abstracts and CAB Health, this is the leading database for literature related to agriculture and applied life sciences, including strong international coverage.
The Environment Complete database offers deep coverage in applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more.
• More than 1,200 full-text journals and monographs
• Nearly 4 million records
• Indexing for more than 2,000 domestic and international journals dating back more than 100 years
• More than 180 full-text monographs
The Plant Management Network is a unique cooperative resource for the applied plant sciences. Designed to provide plant science practitioners fast electronic access to proven solutions, the Plant Management Network offers an extensive searchable database comprised of thousands of web-based resource pages from the network's partner universities, companies, and associations. In addition, the network's four peer-reviewed citable journals, Applied Turfgrass Science, Crop Management, Forage and Grazinglands, and Plant Health Progress, provide credible current information in areas important to practitioners, policy makers, and the public.
Statista offers over 1.5 million statistics and facts on more than 60,000 topics drawn from over 18,000 different sources, including market researchers, trade organizations, scientific journals, and government databases. The data is aggregated by a dedicated team of researchers and statisticians who are experts in the 20 market and industry sectors covered. For each data set, extensive source information is provided as well as several download formats for direct integration into various end products.
Zoological Record is the world's oldest continuing database of animal biology. It is considered the world's leading taxonomic reference, and with coverage back to 1864, has long acted as the world's unofficial register of animal names. The broad scope of coverage ranges from biodiversity and the environment to taxonomy and veterinary sciences.
**This database permits only two simultaneous users.**