Digitizing Louisiana Newspapers Project (DLNP)
LSU Libraries is proud to present the Digitizing Louisiana Newspaper Project (DLNP), which offers 128 titles from the state of Louisiana published between 1836 through 1922 — a total of 328,900 pages.
Newspaper Titles
The Digitizing Louisiana Newspapers Project provides access to select newspapers spanning from 1836-1922. To find available digital newspapers in a specific time period, please choose from the links below:
1830s (1830-1839) | 1880s (1880-1889) |
1840s (1840-1849) | 1890s (1890-1899) |
1850s (1850-1859) | 1900s (1900-1909) |
1860s (1860-1869) | 1910s (1910-1919) |
1870s (1870-1879) | 1920s (1920-1922) |
1830s (1830-1839)
Baton-Rouge Gazette : 1836-1851 | Browse Issues |
True American : (New Orleans) 1836-1839 | Browse Issues |
1840s (1840-1849)
1850s (1850-1859)
1860s (1860-1869)
1870s (1870-1879)
1880s (1880-1889)
1890s (1890-1899)
1900s (1900-1909)
1910s (1910-1919)
1920s (1920-1922)
- Last Updated: Oct 30, 2024 2:29 PM
- URL: https://guides.lib.lsu.edu/c.php?g=1431778
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