Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy : AI Resources and Suggestions for Students
Important Notice
Always check with your instructor before using AI in class.
While there are some potential appropriate uses, make sure to know your major's policy on AI and always clear any use beforehand.
AI Resources
In, general, unauthorized use of generative AI to complete academic work is considered Academic Misconduct:
According the the LSU Code of Student Conduct Section 10.1 Academic Integrity
High standards of academic integrity are crucial for the University to fulfill its educational mission. To uphold these standards, procedures have been established to address Academic Misconduct. A Student is responsible for submitting work for evaluation that reflects the Student’s performance. If a Student has a question regarding the Instructor’s expectations for assignments, projects, tests, or other items submitted for a grade, it is the Student’s responsibility to seek clarification from the Instructor.
In accordance with the LSU Faculty Handbook, an Instructor may not assign a disciplinary grade, such as an "F" or zero (0) on an assignment, test examination, or course as a sanction for admitted or suspected Academic Misconduct in lieu of referring the Student to SAA under the provisions of this Code. Any grade assigned because of Academic Misconduct must be in accordance with this Code.
A Student found Responsible for Academic Misconduct may NOT drop the course in which the violation occurred. Any Student who drops the course without written permission from SAA will be re-enrolled in the class and then given the appropriate grade as provided in the Outcome. A Student may be charged with Academic Misconduct for the following acts or omissions:
Collaboration. Unauthorized communication or interaction between two or more individuals on any academic work by giving, receiving, or otherwise sharing information without permission of the Instructor.
Copying. Copying from another Student's academic work; assisting with copying by making answers or other completed assignments available, in whole or part, to another Student, whether or not the recipient’s intentions to copy were known to the Student prior to the sharing.
Failure to Follow Course Requirements. Failure to adhere to standards of conduct for academic integrity that are promulgated by an academic unit or Instructor.
False information. Falsifying or fabricating any information, data, or citation in any academic work including but not limited to documents intended to support medical excuses or absence from class or academic work.
Misrepresentation. Misleading an Instructor as to the condition under which the work was prepared including, but not limited to, undisclosed Artificial Intelligence (AI) use, substituting for another Student, or permitting another person to substitute for oneself on any academic work.
Other Academic Misconduct. Attempting to commit, or assisting someone in the commission or attempted commission of an offense defined in this section, or any other act that may create an unfair academic advantage.
Plagiarism. Lack of appropriate citation, or the unacknowledged inclusion of someone else's words, structure, ideas, or data; failure to identify a source, or the submission of essentially the same work for two assignments without permission of the Instructor.
Unauthorized Materials. Using any material, technique, application, artificial intelligence (AI), or device on an academic assignment that is prohibited; having any forbidden or unauthorized material, technique, application, artificial intelligence (AI), or device available on any academic work will be considered a violation.
- Can be used to generate essay topics
- You can input your assignment prompt and ask the chatbot to refine that assignment prompt into more refined essay topics to begin your research process
- Can be used to generate keywords for searching scholarly databases
- Scholarly databases use controlled language in their searching algorithms. Chatbots utilize natural language processing when requests are put into their algorithms. Users can use natural language in their chat inquiry and ask the chatbot to generate keywords from their request. These keywords can then be combined to create effective controlled language search inquiries to be utilized within the library's scholarly databases
- Can be used to create an outline for your essay
- Once you have a refined essay topic and perhaps an established thesis statement, this information can be put into a chatbot and you can request that the chatbot generate an outline for your paper. This will give you a general skeleton of your paper to follow while writing.
Protecting yourself from false AI claims
- If you are falsely accused of utilizing generative AI in your class assignments, you can begin the conversation by speaking directly with your instructor in a professional manner.
- Present your instructor with data and research that show that AI detectors are flawed and not 100% accurate.
- Prove that your work is original by tracking changes on your document or ensuring that the version history setting on your word processing application is active. This will help show how long you worked on a document and how you made changed.
- If these tactics do not work and you are still reported from academic misconduct understand that you have a right to appeal and present your evidence to the appeals board.
- Read more about protecting yourself from false AI claims in the links provided in the useful links section of this page.
Citing AI
Currently, how to cite AI generated content is determined by the individual style guides. Please consult the style guide for your discipline to see how to appropriately cite AI-generated content. For more information, you can visit the research guide, linked below, on the topic. This research guide discusses how to cite generative AI in various citation styles. The research guide is produced by McMaster Libraries and McMaster University