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ENVS 7700
Step 6: References
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ENVS 7700 : Step 6: References
Guide for the ENVS 7700: Integrated Environmental Issues project.
Introducing to this Guide
Step 1: Background of Topic
Step 2: The Objective of the Study and Hypothesis or Management Goals
Step 3: Methods/Approach
Step 4: Description of Suggested Study Site/Context and Why it Was Selected
Step 5: Expected Outcomes, Contributions of the Project
Step 6: References
Step 6 Objective
In this step you will list your references following standard format.
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APA Formatting and Style Guide (7th Edition) | Perdue OWL
Perdue OWL's guide with templates and examples to help with all parts of writing within the APA format.
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Step 5: Expected Outcomes, Contributions of the Project
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