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NFS 1110 Intro to Nutrition: 6. Scholarly Information (Databases)

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Other Databases


"PubMed is a free resource developed and maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the National Library of Medicine® (NLM)."

PubMed is the standard database that is used in the healthcare profession.  It has the ability to link to full-text articles, provides advance researching including filtering and special queries and links to related articles.

The search function is extremely user-friendly and the filtering options allow for searching clinical trials, full text, and even publication dates. The search function also provides related searches and data. Once an article is selected, similar articles are included in the record. 

Citations are added daily. 

From: PubMed Fact Sheet

"Simply enter your search topics - one or more terms - and click Search. PubMed can be searched using MeSH terms, author names, title words, text words or phrases, journal names, or any combination of these.

Retrieved citations are displayed and their associated abstracts can be selected for viewing. A unique feature of PubMed is the ability to instantly find related articles for any citation.

Advanced search features and filters are also available.

A special clinical queries page provides customized searches for studies based on etiology, diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment of a particular disease. Systematic reviews of a topic and medical genetics can also be searched here. Search results can be viewed or downloaded in various formats, including a format suitable for bibliographic management software."


"MEDLINE is the U.S. National Library of Medicine® (NLM) premier bibliographic database that contains more than 24 million references to journal articles in life sciences with a concentration on biomedicine." Mostly journals, the database also contains some newspapers, magazines, and newsletters that are centered around health professionals. 

MEDLINE includes literature published from 1809 to present and contains "citations from more than 5,600 worldwide journals in about 40 languages; about 60 languages for older journals."

The database covers "biomedicine and health, broadly defined to encompass those areas of the life sciences, behavioral sciences, chemical sciences, and bioengineering needed by health professionals and others engaged in basic research and clinical care, public health, health policy development, or related educational activities. MEDLINE also covers life sciences vital to biomedical practitioners, researchers, and educators, including aspects of biology, environmental science, marine biology, plant and animal science as well as biophysics and chemistry. Increased coverage of life sciences began in 2000."

From: MEDLINE Fact Sheet

NOTE: LSU does not have MEDLINE Ultimate but we do have MEDLINE. The search is extremely similar in both.

1. To browse a list of subject headings available in the database, click the MeSH button on the blue sub-toolbar. Users can search MeSH in MEDLINE three different ways:

Term Begins With - Enter a term in the Browse for field and choose Term Begins With. An alphabetical list is displayed.

Term Contains - Enter a term in the Browse for field and choose Term Contains. The term searched appears first, followed by terms that contain the term in alphabetical order.

Relevancy Ranked - Enter a term in the Browse for field and choose Relevancy Ranked. The exact match for the term appears first in the list, followed by the relevancy ranked list.

2. Mark the check box to the left of a term.

3. Click Search Database. Your search query finds articles with the term as a MeSH Heading.


From: EBSCO Help

Nursing & Allied Health

"The Nursing & Allied Health Database is a comprehensive resource for students, instructors, researchers, and healthcare professionals.

Whether it’s supporting a clinical research study or providing faculty with instructional multimedia content to help students connect theory to practice, librarians rely on the Nursing & Allied Health Database for its diverse mix of scholarly literature, clinical training videos, reference materials, and evidence-based resources, including dissertations and systematic reviews. Specifically, while other providers tend to focus solely on the information needs of professionals, the Nursing & Allied Health Database is best used for those preparing for a career in healthcare, teaching patient care, or engaged in nursing research.

By going beyond journals and taking a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to subject coverage, this database is uniquely suited for students, instructors, researchers, and healthcare professionals."