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Athletic Training: Media Literacy & Identifying Bias

Media Literacy

What is Media Literacy?

Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create, and act using all forms of communication. (National Association for Media Literacy)

Why is being media literate important?

Media literacy empowers us to be critical thinkers, effective communicators, and active citizens. Being literate in a media age requires critical thinking skills that empower us as we make decisions, whether in the classroom, the living room, the workplace, the boardroom, or the voting booth. (NAMLE)

What is included in the term "media"?

Media includes digital media, computers, video games, radio, television, mobile media, print, and any other communication technologies.


Bias: A prejudice or leaning that may aim to influence judgments in an unfair manner; slant; prejudice.

Confirmation Bias

Confirmation Bias

  • the inclination to interpret information selectively so that it reinforces a preestablished set of beliefs.
  • a belief in which someone only accepts fact that corroborate his or her preexisting subjective opinions about something. Any fact or opinion that contradict this belief is ignore, dismissed as false, or twisted to fit a pre-ascribed agenda.  

Implicit Bias

Implicit bias

  • Unconscious forms of prejudice or negative attitudes about someone or something. 
  • Can be directed toward a range of subjects, including groups of people, products, area, or concepts.
  • The person exhibiting implicit bias is unaware of this partiality and likely would deny having this proclivity if challenged.

Media Bias

How to Spot Fake News

How to Spot Fake News

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