Board Game Collection
This is a guide to all of the board games at the LSU Libraries.
- Home
- A-M List of GamesToggle Dropdown
- Abandon all Artichokes
- Adsumudi
- Apples to Apples
- Arraial
- Attack of the Jelly Monster
- Back in Time
- Battleship
- Blockbuster
- Blockbuster Returns
- Candy Land
- Canopy
- Careers
- Carta Impera Victoria
- Cascadia
- Cellulose
- Checkers
- Chess
- Chutes and Ladders
- Clue
- CO2: Second Chance
- Codenames
- Compounded
- Coup
- Covalence
- The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine
- Cytosis
- Dominoes
- Don't Break the Ice
- Dope or Nope
- Ecosystem
- Endangered
- Evolution
- Evolution: Climate
- Ex Libris
- Exploding Kittens
- Five Crowns
- Flip Ships
- Fluxx (Anatomy, Chemistry, & Nature)
- Foodie Fight
- Food Truck Champion
- A Game of Cat & Mouth
- Genotype
- Godzilla
- Guess Who?
- Happy Salmon
- Head Trip
- Hellapagos
- Horrified
- Hot Words
- Jaws
- KingSport Festival: The Card Game
- Letter GO!
- Lovelace & Babbage
- Machi Koro
- Mad Gab
- Mariposas
- Math Rush 1, 2, and 3
- Mental Blocks
- Monopoly
- N-Z List of GamesToggle Dropdown
- Name 5
- Nerd Words: Science
- Nunami
- Oceans
- On the Origin of Species
- Pan Am
- Pandemic: Hot Zone - North America
- Passtally
- Peptide
- Periodic: A Game of the Elements
- Photosynthesis
- Pick Your Poison
- Pop-o-Matic Headache
- Prime Climb
- Proof
- Qwixx
- Ramen Fury
- Rhino Hero
- Rhyme Antics
- Secrets
- Settlers of Catan
- Silver & Gold
- Sorry (Classic Edition)
- Subatomic
- Sushi Go!
- That's It!
- Ticket to Ride
- Tic-Tac Dough
- Top Gun
- Trash Pandas
- Trekking the National Parks (Board Game)
- Trekking the National Parks (Trivia)
- Trivial Pursuit Party
- Tri-Zam
- US Weekly The Game
- Virulence
- Visitor in Blackwood Grove
- Wayfinders
- The Werewolves of Millers Hollow
- WereWords
- Wildcraft
- Wingspan
- Wingspan (European Expansion)
- Wingspan (Oceania Expansion)
- Wonder Woman: Challenge of the Amazons
- Word Slam Family
- Zombie Dice
- Zombie Kittens
- Classic Games
- Dungeons and Dragons Guidebooks
- Party Games
- How to Pick a Game
- Educational Games
- AdsumudiA creative math card game where players solve math problems correctly in order to win.
- CanopyA card game where players get to build their own rainforest by collecting and drafting cards.
- CascadiaA puzzle game where players build a harmonious ecosystem in the Pacific Northwest.
- CelluloseA plant cell biology game where players compete against each other for limited resources while producing carbohydrates and building a cell wall.
CO2: Second Chance
- CO2: Second ChanceA game that addresses the global pollution problem and offers while offering players a way to imagine how we could fix it and save the planet.
- CompoundedA chemistry game where players build chemical compounds and trade with other players to successfully manage the elements.
- CovalenceA card game where players competitively build molecules and arrange elements.
- CytosisA game where players create proteins and enzymes and manage them and other resources in order to gain the most Health points.
- EcosystemA card game where players build and balance their own ecosystems to ensure the correct biodiversity.
- EndangeredA game where players work with and influence world scientists and leaders in order to stop environmental habitat destruction and save endangered species.
- EvolutionA game where players must adapt species in a competitive ecosystem while dealing with challenges like food scarcity and dangerous predators.
Evolution: Climate
- Evolution: ClimateA game where players use strategy to adapt their species in a dangerous ecosystem.
Fluxx (versions: Anatomy, Chemistry, & Nature)
- Fluxx (versions: Anatomy, Chemistry, & Nature)LSU Libraries has three versions of Fluxx:
Anatomy Fluxx
Chemistry Fluxx
Nature Fluxx
All three utilize the same basic gameplay rules, using Goal cards to set different goals for each game depending on the varying subject matter.pictured: Anatomy Fluxx
- GenotypeA Mendelian genetics game where players win by gaining the most points through breeding pea plants.
Lovelace & Babbage
- Lovelace & BabbageA game where players solve basic math problems to make programs for patrons under the pressure of a time limit.
- MariposasA game where players guide butterflies through three seasons in North America with the goal of having the most successful family of butterflies.
Math Rush (versions 1, 2, & 3)
- Math Rush (versions 1, 2, & 3)LSU Libraries has all three versions of Math Rush:
Math Rush 1: Addition & Subtraction
Math Rush 2: Multiplication & Exponents
Math Rush 3: Fractions, Decimals, & Percentages
All three utilize the same basic gameplay rules using different kinds of math.
Nerd Words: Science
- Nerd Words: ScienceA game where players compete in teams while using clues to guess secret science terms.
- OceansA game where players adapt and survive in a dangerous ecosystem.
On the Origin of Species
- On the Origin of SpeciesA fantasy adventure game where players take a journey through history as one of the researchers on the 'Beagle' with Darwin while discovering natural history.
Pandemic: Hot Zone - North America
- Pandemic: Hot Zone - North AmericaA game where players must work together to cure the deadly diseases that are threatening to destroy North America before it's too late.
- PeptideA game where players link "Amino Acid" cards to create "Peptide Chains" and score points in order to win.
Periodic: A Game of the Elements
- Periodic: A Game of the ElementsA game where players collect sets of elements and move around the periodic table in order to gain the most points and win the game.
- PhotosynthesisA game where players make their trees compete for sunlight.
Prime Climb
- Prime ClimbA game where players use dice and basic mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) in order to reach 101, the center of the board.
- ProofA fast-paced math card game where players find hidden equations and collect the most cards to win.
- SubatomicAn atom building game where players use cards to stack points.
Trekking the National Parks (Board Games)
- Trekking the National Parks (Board Games)A game that allows players to explore the National Parks and collect points by completing a cross-country race.
Trekking the National Parks (Trivia)
- Trekking the National Parks (Trivia)A trivia game where players answer questions about the National Parks, based on the board game Trekking the National Parks.
- VirulenceA simple card game where players act as viruses infecting host cells.
- WildcraftA game where players learn about plants and their natural healing properties with an interactive story about making a journey up a mountain with fairies.
- WingspanA competitive game where players attract the best birds to their wildlife preserves.
Wingspan (European Expansion)
- Wingspan (European Expansion)An expansion of the game Wingspan in which players attract the best birds to their wildlife preserve.
Wingspan (Oceania Expansion)
- Wingspan (Oceania Expansion)An expansion of the game Wingspan in which players competitively collect birds. The expansion adds Oceania birds.
- Last Updated: Oct 22, 2024 11:04 AM
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