Biological Sciences: Databases
- Annual Reviews
Annual Reviews offers comprehensive, timely collections of critical reviews written by leading scientists. Annual Reviews volumes are published each year for 46 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences including Economics.
- Biological Abstracts
A complete collection of bibliographic references to life science journal literature published internationally. This database gives users easy access biological information and makes it simple to retrieve millions of records from earlier research in virtually every life science discipline.
- BioOne (ejournals)
A collection of 50 full text bioscience research journals.
- CabDirect
Including the CAB Abstracts and CAB Health, this is the leading database for literature related to agriculture and applied life sciences, including strong international coverage.
- CINAHL Complete
This is the definitive research tool for nursing and allied health professionals. With CINAHL Complete users get fast and easy access to top nursing and allied health journals, evidence-based care sheets and quick lessons.
- Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science
This database includes access to the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts, Oceanic Abstracts, and Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts. The database includes access to full-text articles published in scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications.
- JoVE
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments creates the ultimate solutions for advancing research and science education by making and publishing videos of scientific experiments from the top laboratories around the globe. By allowing scientists, educators and students to see the intricate details of cutting-edge experiments rather than read them in text articles, JoVE increases STEM research productivity and student learning, saving their institutions time and money. LSU subscribes to the following JoVE video journal products: JoVE Chemistry Series, JoVE Environment, JoVE Bioengineering, JoVE Engineering, JoVE Immunology and Infection, JoVE Medicine, JoVE Neuroscience, JoVE Biology, SE2: Basic Methods in Cellular and Molecular Biology.
- Knovel Interactive Library
Knovel helps engineers innovate by reducing risk and boosting operational excellence. Its curated content and databases, online tools and award-winning platform gives engineers the confidence to delve into new technical topics, develop products and formulate solutions without fear of overlooking vital information.
- MedicLatina
Medic Latina is a Spanish language collection of medical research and investigative journals published by Latin American medical publishers. Provides access to full text for nearly 100 peer-reviewed Spanish language medical journals. A wide range of topics are covered including neuroscience, cardiology, nephrology, biomedicine, clinical research, pediatrics, human reproduction, clinical pathology, cancer research, and hematology.
Sponsored by the National Library of Medicine, Medline contains citations and abstracts to international biomedical literature from over 3700 journals on topics including research, clinical practice, administration, policy issues, and healthcare services. The database contains a broad range of medical topics relating to research, clinical practice, administration, policy issues, and health care services. OldMedline from the NLM Gateway includes the years 1958 - 1965. The ISI/Web of Knowledge Interface contains info from 1950 to the present.
- Plant Management Network
The Plant Management Network is a unique cooperative resource for the applied plant sciences. Designed to provide plant science practitioners fast electronic access to proven solutions, the Plant Management Network offers an extensive searchable database comprised of thousands of web-based resource pages from the network's partner universities, companies, and associations. In addition, the network's four peer-reviewed citable journals, Applied Turfgrass Science, Crop Management, Forage and Grazinglands, and Plant Health Progress, provide credible current information in areas important to practitioners, policy makers, and the public.
- SAGE Journals Online
SAGE Publications publishes over 460 journals in Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology and Medicine. SAGE Journals Online is the delivery platform that provides online access to the full text of individual SAGE journals. The SAGE Full-Text Collections, SAGE's award-winning, discipline-specific research databases, are also available on SAGE Journals Online.
- ScienceDirect
ScienceDirect, published by Elsevier Science, serves as a web information source for scientific, technical, and medical (STM) research. It offers access to thousands of journals in many fields of science, including the social sciences.
2020 Elsevier subscription changes
PLEASE NOTE: Excessive printing and downloading, even through available functionality on ScienceDirect, is not permitted under our license and will result in loss of access and possible disciplinary action. - SpringerLink
The Springer database offers full-text searching through Springers entire electronic output, including Journals, Books, Book Series, eReference books, and Protocols. Subject areas include engineering, science, humanities, business etc. Most full-text content is accessible to LSU patrons, with a few exceptions, most notable being the Protocols.
- Scopus
Scopus combines a comprehensive abstract and citation database with enriched data and linked scholarly literature across a wide variety of disciplines. It finds authoritative research, identifies experts and provides access to reliable data, metrics and analytical tools.
- Wildlife & Ecology Studies Worldwide
Offering a global perspective, this resource is the world's largest index to literature on wild mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. Comprehensive coverage includes bibliographic records, many of which include abstracts, covering a variety of topic areas.
- Wiley Online Library
This database provides the full text of articles from a variety of scholarly scientific journals.
- Zoological Record
Zoological Record is the world's oldest continuing database of animal biology. It is considered the world's leading taxonomic reference, and with coverage back to 1864, has long acted as the world's unofficial register of animal names. The broad scope of coverage ranges from biodiversity and the environment to taxonomy and veterinary sciences.
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