Art & Art History: Books
Art & Design Librarian

Click the subject link to see a list of books that are available at LSU Libraries. Please note that some titles will appear under more than one subject.
Searchable by title, author, keyword, publication type, thematic category, Collection/Department and format.
Searchable by title, author, keyword, imprint/program, publication type, subject category and series.
- Wiley Online Library This link opens in a new windowE-textbooks available for art history, architecture and other art-related topics
- Wiley Faculty textbook search pageThis is a direct link to the Wiley Online search screen specifically for faculty.
- Getty Research Portal The Getty Research Portalâ„¢ is a free online search platform providing worldwide access to an extensive collection of digitized art history texts from a range of institutions. This multilingual and multicultural union catalog affords art historians and other researchers the ability to search and download complete digital copies of publications devoted to art, architecture, material culture, and related fields.
- Internet Archive - Art History pubications You can search for a specific artist, time period or media as well. Also has older journal article holdings.
- Art, Architecture & DesignAuthors: Pamela Sachant, University of North Georgia; Peggy Blood, Savannah State University
Copyright Year: 2016 - Digital FoundationsAuthors: Xtine Burrough, Michael Mandiberg
Updated: December 5, 2019 - Graphic Design and Print Production FundamentalsAuthors: Graphic Communications Open Textbook Collective, British Columbia Institute of Technology
Updated: July 30, 2019 - Guide to Ancient Greek ArtAuthors: Ruth Ezra, Beth Harris, Steven Zucker
Copyright Year: 2019 - Guide to Ancient Roman ArtAuthors: Ruth Ezra, Beth Harris, Steven Zucker
Copyright Year: 2019
The N call #s are on the 3rd floor of LSU Library. Use the 300 East entrance into the stacks for easiest access to the collection. The TR call #s are located on the 4th floor.
A good place to start is the Discovery database, which searches the library's online catalog of book titles, as well as the contents of several of our databases.
N - Visual Arts
NA - Architecture
NB - Sculpture
NC - Drawing. Design. Illustration
ND - Painting
NE - Print Media
NK - Decorative Arts
NX - Arts in General
TR - Photography
Dancing at the Louvre - Faith Ringgold's French Collection and Other Story Quilts "My process is designed to give us 'colored folk' and women a taste of the American dream straight up. Since the facts don't do that too often, I decided to make it up. . . . That is the real power and joy of being an artist. We can make it come true. Or look true."--Faith Ringgold, in a 1992 interview This catalog is the first book-length publication devoted to the exquisite story quilts of contemporary artist Faith Ringgold. Combining painted images, handwritten texts, and quilting techniques, Ringgold weaves together modernist painting; feminist critique; postmodernist strategies of appropriation, parody, and montage; and personal memoir in a remarkable synthesis that takes on European modernism, African American folk art, and the "black aesthetic" of the 1960s and 1970s. The catalog accompanies an exhibition of The French Collection and The American Collection, a series of story quilts Ringgold has produced since 1990. Catalog essays include an examination of Ringgold's stylistic development through the 1960s and 1970s, an exploration of the social and political aspects of the story quilts, and a recollection by the artist's daughter, writer Michele Wallace. Ringgold has adapted the tradition of the American slave quilt to create a world in which African Americans and women dominate, where history is not only questioned but also reinvented. The titles of the quilts in Ringgold's French Collection and American Collection suggest her subject range and daring: Jo Baker's Birthday Party; Dinner at Gertrude Stein's; A Portrait of Aunt Jemima; Tubman, Douglass, and Truth: Wanted Dead or Alive are examples. Faith Ringgold's broad audience of admirers (her books for children have won Caldecott and New York Times book illustration honors) will welcome Dancing at the Louvre. Finally there is a book that displays her artistic achievements and provides a full discussion of her importance within contemporary art.
Call Number: NK9198 .R56 A4 1998ISBN: 0520214293
To determine relevant LC Subject Headings for your topic, conduct a subject search in Discovery. Here are some examples of general subject terms that you can try.
Art and the Internet
Graphic arts
Interior design
Watercolor painting
If you are looking for information on a particular artist, it is advisable to search for the artist as an author and as a subject. When searching the online catalog with a personal name, enter your search as such: Last name, First name.
Monet, Claude, 1840-1926
Picasso, Pablo, 1881-1973
Morisot, Berthe, 1841-1895
You can further narrow down your artist search by adding additions terms to your search string, like those listed below:
+ Catalogs
+ Correspondence
+ Criticism and interpretation
+ Influence
+ Aesthetics
+ Exhibitions
+ Catalogues raisonnes
+ Interviews
+ Themes, motives
Below are a few examples of art-related print books available in the LSU library. There are thousands more available. Use the Online Catalog to find their location on the shelves.
A Chronology of Art by A fresh take on the history of art, using cultural timelines to reveal little-known connections and influences between artworks and artistic movements Most surveys of the history of art are divided into historic periods, artistic schools, and movements. In reality, movements and artists' careers overlap and intertwine, reacting to events in the world around them. By prioritizing a purely chronological approach, A Chronology of Art illuminates these relationships from a fresh perspective and places the developments of the art world into context with one another. Structured around a central timeline covering Ancient & Medieval, Renaissance & Baroque, Rococo & Neoclassicism, Romanticism & Beyond, and The Modern Era, the book features lavish illustrations of artworks, together with commentaries, and lively "In Focus" features with information about the social, stylistic, technical, political, and cultural events of each period. This approach reveals little- known connections: the most illustrious Neoclassical painting (David's Oath of the Horatii) was executed just a couple of years after one of the best-known Romantic scenes (Fuseli's The Nightmare); and American artist James Whistler, who had attended West Point Military Academy, was creating his finest work in Europe at the very time when his homeland was being torn apart by civil war.
Call Number: N5300 .C55 2018ISBN: 9780500239810Key Moments in Art by Art lovers can list history's most important art objects, but what many don't know are the dramatic, funny, and sometimes bizarre stories behind these most famous works. Spanning the last 500 years of art history, this book revisits fifty momentous events that changed the course of art--days when now world-famous works like Michelangelo's David or Marcel Duchamp's urinal were unveiled for the first time. In Key Moments in Art, chance meetings spur artists to create exciting new styles such as Impressionism or Cubism, landmark performances take place, and revolutionary exhibitions open. The book also looks at fights, lawsuits, auctions, and crime-from the theft of the Mona Lisa to the day van Gogh's Sunflowers become the most expensive painting ever sold.Working chronologically, this addition to the Art Essentials series gives readers fifty bite-sized stories from the art world. Art historian Lee Cheshire breathes new life into favorite works of art by giving them context and sharing the gossip they created. Complete with Art Essentials' signature sidebars, featuring key artists, collections, and events related to each moment, this book is perfect for the art devotee as well as the occasional museum visitor.
Call Number: N5300 .C535 2018ISBN: 9780500293621Goodbye, World! Looking at Art in the Digital Age by A look at how the internet and post-millenial technologies have transformed our ways of seeing and birthed a new form of culture. The way we see the world has changed drastically since NASA released the "blue marble" image of the earth taken by Apollo 17 in 1972. No longer a placid slow-moving orb, the world is now perceived as a hothouse of activity and hyper-connectivity that cannot keep up with its inhabitants. The internet has collectively bound human society, replacing the world as the network of all networks. In Goodbye, World Looking at Art in the Digital Age, writer and curator Omar Kholeif traces the birth of a culture propagated but also consumed by this digitized network. Has the internet transformed the way we see and relate to images? How has the field of perception been altered by evolving technologies, pervasive distribution, and our interaction with screens? How have artists working in diverse contexts, from eBay auctions to augmented reality, created new ways of emoting that are determined by these technologies? Focusing on a cultural and artistic landscape that has taken shape since the year 2000, Kholeif aims to put into context a new language for seeing, feeling, and being that has emerged through post-millennial technologies, and argues for a nuanced understanding of the post-digital condition. Taking cues from John Berger's Ways of Seeing and Alvin Toffler's Future Shock, this book--part memoir, part critical analysis--should prove essential for anyone interested in the changing world of the internet.
Call Number: N5300 .S24 2006ISBN: 9783956793097Methods and Theories of Art History by Art historical theory is a forum of intense, often passionate debate. This book provides an accessible introduction to the range of critical theories used in analyzing art. It covers a broad range of approaches, presenting individual arguments, controversies, and divergent perspectives. This second edition has been updated to reflect recent scholarship in contemporary art. Clearly written, this book is ideal for the undergraduate student or anyone interestedin the world of ideas.
Call Number: N380 .D35 2012ISBN: 9781856698993The Art Museum (Revised Edition) by Visit the world's most comprehensive and compelling museum in a book - from pre-historic times to the present, - over 1,600 artworks created with the expertise of 28 art world curators and historians. "Unprecedented, unique, and vast in scope... a visually spectacular survey of world art. Destined to delight, inspire, and educate, as well as to become an invaluable, classic art-reference resource, it is very highly recommended." --Library Journal Housing the finest art collection ever assembled, this revised, reformatted edition offers the museum experience without the boundaries of space and time, taking the reader on a tour around the world and through the ages. Its rooms and galleries display some 1,600 artworks, selected from the original collection, including paintings, sculpture, photographs, textiles, installations, performances, videos, prints, ceramics, manuscripts, metalwork, and jewel-work.
Call Number: N5300 .A6845 2017ISBN: 9780714875026A Short Guide to Writing about Art by Key Benefit:A Short Guide to Writing About Art, Eighth Edition,the best-selling book of its kind, equips students to analyze pictures (drawings, paintings, photographs), sculptures and architecture, and prepares them with the tools they need to present their ideas in effective writing.Key Topics:This concise yet thorough guide to “seeing and saying” addresses a wealth of fundamental matters, such as distinguishing between description and analysis, writing a comparison, using peer review, documenting sources, and editing the final essay.Market:This book is a perfect complement to any art course where writing is involved
Call Number: N7476 .B37 2008ISBN: 0136138551