ENVS 4104
A supplemental guide to Environmental Chemistry.
The list below is a selection of electronic journals and not a list of complete Coast and Environment journal subscriptions at LSU Libraries. Contact the subject librarian for more information.
The list below is a selection of electronic journals and not a list of complete Coast and Environment journal subscriptions at LSU Libraries. Contact the subject librarian for more information.
Web Resources
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Data on climate, weather, oceans, and fisheries administration.
- National Center for Coastal Ocean Science NOAA's coastal ocean science office
- Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered and invasive species, conservation, and land management.
- National Invasive Species Council US Geological Survey Coastal and Marine Geology
- Gulf of Mexico Integrated Science US Geological Survey
- TOXNET National Library of Medicine Toxicology databases
- Gulfbase Gulf of Mexico database from Harte Institute at Texas A&M Corpus Christi
- International Union for Conservation of Nature Compiles the global Red List of Threatened Species
- Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Coordinates coastal restoration
- Deep-sea Debris Database
- Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA)
- American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO)
- Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (E-LAW)
- Environmental Protection UK
- Environmental Services Association of Alberta (ESAA)
- Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics
- Geneva Environment Network
- The George Wright Society
- The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals
- Institute of Environmental Management
- Institute of Professional Environmental Practice
- Institution of Environmental Sciences
- International Erosion Control Association
- International Marine Animal Trainers Association
- International Society of Environmental Forensics
- Louisiana Environmental Professionals Association
- NALGEP - National Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals (U.S.)
- National Association for Environmental Management
- National Association for Interpretation
- National Association of Environmental Professionals
- National Registry of Environmental Professionals
- Northwest Association of Environmental Professionals
- The Organization of Fish and Wildlife Information Managers
- Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility
- Society of Environmental Journalists
- Soil and Water Conservation Society
- NIST Environment/Climate Portal
- American Littoral Society
- American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
- Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition
- Arctic Ocean Sciences Board
- Asociación de Oceanólogos de México
- Association of Norwegian Oceanographers
- Associazione Italiana di Oceanologia e Limnologia
- Australasian Hydrographic Society
- Australian Marine Conservation Society
- Australian Marine Sciences Association
- Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
- British Marine Life Study Society
- Canadian Hydrographic Association
- Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
- Challenger Society for Marine Science
- Consortium for Ocean Leadership
- Coral Reef Alliance
- Cousteau Society
- Deutsche Hydrographische Gesellschaft
- European Cetacean Society
- European Society for Marine Biotechnology
- Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust
- Hydrografisk Selskab
- Hydrographic Society Benelux
- Hydrographic Society New Zealand Region
- Hydrographic Society of America
- Hydrographic Society of South Africa
- Hydrographic Society UK
- Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology
- International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans
- International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers
- International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
- International Federation of Hydrographic Societies
- International Hydrographic Organization
- International Maritime Organization
- Marine Biological Association
- Marine Conservation Society
- Marine Education Society of Australasia
- Marine Technology Society
- National Association of Marine Laboratories
- Ocean Conservation Society
- Oceanic Society
- Oceanographic Society of Japan
- Oceanography Society
- Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology
- Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research
- Scottish Association for Marine Science
- Society for Marine Mammalogy
- Society for Underwater Technology
- Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
- Union des Oceanographes de France
- Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association
- Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society
- Agricola This link opens in a new windowContaining bibliographic records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library, this source provides access to millions of citations. The citations are comprised of journal articles, book chapters, theses and much more, all relating to the field of agriculture.
- Annual Reviews This link opens in a new windowAnnual Reviews offers comprehensive, timely collections of critical reviews written by leading scientists. Annual Reviews volumes are published each year for 46 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences including Economics.
- BuildingGreen This link opens in a new windowBuildingGreen helps architects, designers and other sustainability professionals make their projects greener and healthier.Our focus is on helping you design and build from a whole-systems perspective. We support teams that use an integrative process that reduces ecological impact—or even provides regenerative support for ecosystems—and that maximizes return on investment, both financially and in benefits to occupants.
Our publishing work is not supported by advertising, so our sole focus is on you, the reader. It’s no wonder that Mara Baum, Healthcare Sustainable Design Leader at HOK, says, “I’ve relied on BuildingGreen for over a decade— it’s one of the most reputable sources for cutting-edge green building news and product research.” - Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science This link opens in a new windowThis database includes access to the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts, Oceanic Abstracts, and Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts. The database includes access to full-text articles published in scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications.
- Environment Complete This link opens in a new windowThe Environment Complete database offers deep coverage in applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more.• More than 1,200 full-text journals and monographs
• Nearly 4 million records
• Indexing for more than 2,000 domestic and international journals dating back more than 100 years
• More than 180 full-text monographs - GreenFILE This link opens in a new windowGreenFILE provides a collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles and covers content about the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and local/national governments as well as what can be done at each level to minimize these effects.This tool offers indexing and abstracts for more than 780,000 records and open access full text for more than 11,000 records. Key journals include Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Conservation Biology, Forest Ecology & Management, International Journal of Green Energy, and Journal of Wildlife Management.
- JoVE This link opens in a new windowJoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments creates the ultimate solutions for advancing research and science education by making and publishing videos of scientific experiments from the top laboratories around the globe. By allowing scientists, educators and students to see the intricate details of cutting-edge experiments rather than read them in text articles, JoVE increases STEM research productivity and student learning, saving their institutions time and money. LSU subscribes to the following JoVE video journal products: JoVE Chemistry Series, JoVE Environment, JoVE Bioengineering, JoVE Engineering, JoVE Immunology and Infection, JoVE Medicine, JoVE Neuroscience, JoVE Biology, SE2: Basic Methods in Cellular and Molecular Biology.
- Knovel Interactive Library This link opens in a new windowKnovel helps engineers innovate by reducing risk and boosting operational excellence. Its curated content and databases, online tools and award-winning platform gives engineers the confidence to delve into new technical topics, develop products and formulate solutions without fear of overlooking vital information.
- ScienceDirect This link opens in a new windowScienceDirect, published by Elsevier Science, serves as a web information source for scientific, technical, and medical (STM) research. It offers access to thousands of journals in many fields of science, including the social sciences.
PLEASE NOTE: Excessive printing and downloading, even through available functionality on ScienceDirect, is not permitted under our license and will result in loss of access and possible disciplinary action. - Springer Nature Link This link opens in a new windowThe Springer database offers full-text searching through Springers entire electronic output, including Journals, Books, Book Series, eReference books, and Protocols. Subject areas include engineering, science, humanities, business etc. Most full-text content is accessible to LSU patrons, with a few exceptions, most notable being the Protocols.
- Wildlife & Ecology Studies Worldwide This link opens in a new windowOffering a global perspective, this resource is the world's largest index to literature on wild mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. Comprehensive coverage includes bibliographic records, many of which include abstracts, covering a variety of topic areas.
- Wiley Online Library This link opens in a new windowThis database provides the full text of articles from a variety of scholarly scientific journals.
- Scopus This link opens in a new windowScopus combines a comprehensive abstract and citation database with enriched data and linked scholarly literature across a wide variety of disciplines. It finds authoritative research, identifies experts and provides access to reliable data, metrics and analytical tools.
- Last Updated: Dec 23, 2024 3:30 PM
- URL: https://guides.lib.lsu.edu/ENVS4104
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