ART 1662
Art & Design Librarian

With contemporary as well as historical artists, the easiest way to find sources is often to use their names as search terms. Sometimes typing in the firstname lastname, in that order, will retrieve plenty of results. If you want to try a subject search, you need to use lastname, firstname instead. See the examples below.
Note: Be aware that a name search will possibly bring up people with similar names to that of the artist. You will need to look closely at your results to make sure they are about the person you're actually researching.
Keyword Subject
- Ayumi Horie Horie, Ayumi
- Joan Bruneau Bruneau, Joan
- Greg Payce Payce, Greg
- Julia Galloway Galloway, Julia
- Betty Woodman Woodman, Betty
- Warren MacKenzie MacKenzie, Warren
- Gerit Grimm Grimm, Gerit
- Lorna Meaden Meaden, Lorna
- Michael Strand Strand, Michael
If the artist is deceased, the subject will include birth and death years.
- George Ohr Ohr, George E., 1857-1918
- Bernard Leach Leach, Bernard, 1887-1979
- Peter Voulkos Voulkos, Peter, 1924-2002
- Lucie Rie Rie, Lucie
- Hans Copper Copper, Hans
On occasion, the artist's name might not work well as a search. Sometimes it's hard to find books specifically about a particular contemporary artist or one who has not been widely studied. In these cases, you may need to try broader search terms. To determine relevant LC Subject Headings for your topic, conduct a subject search in the LSU Online Catalog.
Potters, United States--biography
Art Pottery -- 20th century
Art Pottery -- 21st century
Women Artists
Other terms that you can add on to a broad subject like 'Potters' include:
+ Catalogs
+ Correspondence
+ Criticism and interpretation
+ Influence
+ Aesthetics
+ Exhibitions
+ Catalogues raisonnes
+ Interviews
+ Themes, motives